Episode 15

Published on:

8th Dec 2023

No, Really... How are you? Episode 015

This week, we do another flyby to check in on each other. It's easy to answer the question "How are you?" with "Fine." But if we are to step into the things God has for us, we need to go to a level of authenticity and candidness that might just be uncomfortable. This show will remind you that we are definitely unfinished, but it will also (hopefully) give you room to be okay with your own growth process.  Some highlights: We are both pretty tired and weary, but Jesus is speaking in that place significantly. We are also learning to pay attention to the more difficult and deep truths of walking closely with Him. Come listen in to our latest conversation on Unfinished People.

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About the Podcast

Unfinished People
Exploring the mystery and wonder of following Jesus as unfinished people.

Welcome to the Unfinished People podcast. I'm Chad Ellenburg and my co-host is Brandon Zieske. We are both pastors who love and follow Jesus. And we are both very aware of how unfinished we are.

Each week, we will talk about the struggle and the beauty of living and breathing in these unfinished vessels. The apostle Paul describes this as carrying around the Treasure of Jesus in mere "jars of clay." Don't we know it.

At the coronation of Jesus on the cross, when he punched death in the mouth, he said "it is finished." So why doesn't it feel like it?

If you connect with that sentiment, come have a listen. Thanks.